Industry Responsibility for Education


Write a short essay for a university lecturer, arguing either for or against the following proposition:
As technology innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.
You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas and experience and support your argument with relevant examples.

Today we are living in the age of science and technology. Day in and day out new technological advancements are being introduced in our society, to help shape our lives in a better way. These advancements have affected every dimension of human life, from cooking to shopping even education system. In today’s high-tech world it is very difficult for someone to keep up with all the advancements. These changes are also evident in field of education; thus becoming ever difficult to cope up with all the changes, as innovation comes at a price.
Firstly, it should be the prime responsibility of a country’s government to aid its teachers in gaining knowledge about recurrent technological advancements. But in poor countries governments fails to do so, hence here it becomes the duty of big industries to step in and fund the education system. Luckily in developing country like Pakistan, many multi-nationals come to support and fund the education system. Companies like Colgate-Palmolive have provided schools to students and teachers. But there is a need for more companies to help this noble cause.
Furthermore, as the pharmaceutical business has boomed in recent years, many companies like Glaxo smith-Klein (GSK), Getz etc. have helped built primary schools in Pakistan. They have provided computers for libraries and provide special grants to professors to study abroad. At timely intervals they arrange seminars, inviting foreign trained professional to lecture about a particular topic.
To conclude, it is quite agreeable that industry should help education progress, as even profits. In long run, this practice would in return help them as they would be having a bunch of highly educated personnel to run their companies. “Education is the root of a strong nation.”