Education&Health Care For Their Citizens

  1. Write an essay for an educated reader on the following topic, stating to what extent you agrees or disagree. It is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing. Education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.

~You should use your own ideas and experience and support your argument.


Whether government should provide the basic amenities for their citizens is always the topic of debate. Regarding this, it is argued that rather than using the country resources, government should uplift the standard of living such as providing shelter, education and health care facilities to their citizens with the help of developing industries. I totally agree with the afore mentioned statement.

To begin with, if government provides structured houses for their citizens then the poverty rate will be decreased. To illustrates, citizens would not be required to work for longer hours to provide them the shelters instead they will work in productive companies which enable them to earn enough money through which they will further make their off advance. Moreover to provide advanced houses to their citizens is only possible if government collect taxes from various industries because by using the country’s resources the end result would be poverty furthermore, if there are more industries, then more taxes would be collected from them which can be spent on education of citizens, because with the help of advanced education, citizens will be able to have bright future. Next if industries are fully developed, government will be able to invest on health sector by providing latest therapeutic and diagnostic machines. Consequently, within these machines, life expanse of citizens would be increased, For instance, the main reason for prolonged life expectancy of the ambulances is next gourmet is industry more in health sector.

To conclude, in my opinion, reducing the poverty rate having bright future of increasing life expectancy of citizens is only possible if government invest more on education , health and housing by developing