Development of Poor Nations


Improvement in health education and trade are essential for the development of poor nations. However the governments of rich countries should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.

Health, trade and commerce, and modern education are crucial sectors that play a pivotal role in any country’s progress. Due to lack of technological advancement, skilled human resource and finance, all developing nations are dependent on developed countries. So richer nations should help poorer countries and extend their full support to counter this imbalance.

Firstly, developed nations should provide soft loans to weaker economies so that poorer nations can educate their people, invest in health sector and promote trade activities. Without education, a country cannot get benefits from its own natural resources. For example, Pakistan, despite having huge potential of natural resources, still dependent on developed nations. Gold and Copper deposits in Rekodiq, Baluchistan, worth billions of dollars, still not fully tapped. Same is the case of energy, although Pakistan has the potential to export electricity, due to lack of research and technology, denizens of this country are facing shortages which in turn hampering its progress. So education is required and for better research and technology funds are required which should be provided by developed nations if they wish to watch this world peaceful.

Secondly, health is also an important sector for any nation’s success. If the people of any country are healthy, they can contribute to the economy, otherwise they will prove as burden. New diseases are spreading especially in poor nations due to poor sanitation services. For instance, dengue, who took thousands of lives in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and other South Asian countries every year. A proper vaccine is required with the help of developed nations like United States. Similarly, other epidemics like Polio eradication campaign with the help of United Nations is ongoing. Such efforts are required and it is not possible without the help of developed nations.

To sum it up, health, education, and trade are the areas where external help is necessary in order to make this world happy and peaceful.

Courtesy: Dawn News