Our Company influences our personality

Research Indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than other experiences we may have in life. which do you consider to be the major influence?

Many studies have shown that genetics have great impact on our personality than our life experience. However, I strongly believe that nurture is more important than nature.
To begin with, parents, family and teachers play a vital role in the development of a child`s personality. They guide the child in every aspect of life and make child to understand the difference between good and bad. In this way, children gain valuable experience of life which helps them in building their personality and behavior. History has ample examples .Here I am sharing the story of a seven year old child who followed his mother advice to speak truth even in worst circumstances. One day he was travelling with a caravan wearing a jacket sewed gold coin inside, suddenly, robbers attacked them when a robber came to this child and asked him about money he revealed the truth. Thieves were inspired from his truthfulness and quit robbery.
Another important factor which influences individual’s personality is environment and company. There is an old saying that “A man is known by the company he keeps.” For Example, my brother started smoking as his college friends were smokers. On the other hand, my niece who was very fashionable and follower of western culture transformed completely after performing Umrah . It was the holy and religious environment which had a great impact on her—when the diamond is extracted from a mine it is a coal – later on, after cutting, shaping and finishing it becomes a diamond. Some rule applies to the development of human personality.

To conclude, it is not our genes which are responsible but other factors like social, cultural environment have a major influence on human’s behavior and personality.