Children’ Leisure Activities to be Educational


Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree? Live reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your experience.

What should children do in free time is a widely debated topic nowadays. Some people believe that it must be educational as other activities is a waste of time. I disagree with this theory because every child has different nature, thought, hobbies, and intellect, therefore any restriction prove to be failure and can harm their health.
To begin with, every human being has distinct nature and qualities. Some children want to study, some prefer sports over studies, some want to study but due to stunting and other impairment cannot excel in this field. Similarly, somebody interest can be in business. There are examples where children became successful after dropout. Such as, Bill gates and Newton.
Both the personalities are well renowned but did not follow the school procedure. Therefore, it is not recommended to force children in deciding what should be there past time.
Secondly no leisure activity can be waste of time. For example, if a child is doing sports or involved in any other physical activity like gym, it will ultimately boost his skills in learning and analyzing problems. Many scientific researchers, recommend healthy activities for children. If children are only advised to spend their free time in educational activities, which require sitting mostly, obesity and other diseases like blood pressure and high cholesterol can attack them.
To sum it up, I must recommend healthy activities instead of educational, as it can benefit them more and help in building personality.