Topic: Some people like to travel outside their country whereas, others would rather travel to the tourist spots in their own country before travelling abroad.Which do you choose and why? Explain it with examples to support your decision.

I would like to elaborate the above given topic with respect to my country. For example, Pakistan`s scenario. Over the past few decades international travelling has become easier with respect to international travel packages which are easily offered by the local agents and international travel has become as well. Whereas, Domestic Travelling has also become easily doable, People often plan it in their summer/Winter vacations and enjoy the most breathe taking beauty of Pakistan. In following paragraphs I will be explaining as why Domestic Travelling precedent over International Travelling.

First of all I will elaborate international travelling ; The are a lot of advantages of going abroad such as , An individual gets international exposure and learn numerous things which they might not be able to explore by staying on similar place. Further, in recent studies, it has been proven that, individuals who travel excessively run their business more appropriately as they are more familiar about the norms and culture of abroad.

Secondly, I will put some light on domestic travelling, by the means of domestic travel people can contribute positively in society in terms of promoting tourism of our country. Many visitors from abroad frequently visit Pakistan as they witness most beautiful scenery and diverse culture in one country. Additionally, by travelling within your own Country gives you even more confidence and courage to visit the outside world as you get a grip to deal with multiple people with different backgrounds and ethnicity so, probably when you travel abroad you already know how to deal in entirely different environment.

Hence, I would conclude this by giving my opinion in favor of domestic travel to be opted first than international travelling should be planned.