Punishment Of Each Crime

  1. Some people believe that there should be fired a punishment for each type of crime others; however argue that the circumstances of an individual crime and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when dealing with the punishment on the punishment.

~Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Now days to protect any society from criminal activities law makers have implements strict regulations. Owing to this it is argued by some that the penalty of each kind of offence must be fixed. However, others believe that the circumstances of any misdeed must be taken into consideration before the judgment. Both vies will be disused with relevant example

Primarily there are some offences which does not have any mo

–tives behind it and the consequences of that act could have determined effects on society, such as, over-speeding, a car usually causes nothing in general but it is the pivotal factor in most of the accidents, thus, this is type of crime must have fixed punishment for everyone regardless of their importance for example, England’s government has strictest driving law and they ever fixed the queen Victoria number of occasions, just to have safer traffic environment for their public.

On the other hand, there other kinds of serious crimes, like murders robbery bureaucratic corruption and rape, these are heinous and cruel crimes and the circumstance and motivation behind this violence must be taken on the account when deciding the punishment. For instant in 2017, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was disqualified from the Supreme Court because of corruption charges. The judge gave him fair time duration to provide evidence to prove his innocence, but he failed to do so. The motive behind hiding his wealth was to hide his corruption as being a public servant. This clearly illustrates motive behind serious crime must be considered fairly testify the criminal.

In conclusion, I personally believe that the background of all serious felony must be considered before the verdict and all other crimes must have, fired punishment to determine the abuse of laws.