Children and Electronic Gadgets


Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional pastimes than spending all day indoors.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is argued that children dependency on electronic gadgets and computers increased a lot. They are staying away from physical activities and sports outside home. It would be more healthy for children to be part of extra-curricular activities. I fully agree because playing indoor on gadgets impacts growth of mind and health and I also discourages the traditional sports.
Firstly, children, who spend most times on playing games on mobile and TV has serious impact on their mind health. For instance, a school run by Bill gates, founder of Microsoft Corporation, inhibits their students from away any electronic gradet up to 12 years of age. As per him, it affects the mind growth of children and reduce the ability to use their mind skills by their own due to dependency on electronic entertainment. Besides that, they can become vitamin D deficient to be most time indoor and stay away from sun. Therefore, it is better to be part of outdoor sports to remain more healthy.
Secondly, in this modern world, technology brings many case but at the same time discourages children to be part of outdoor activities. For example, hockey is a national game of Pakistan. Pakistan hockey team is a five times world champion, but the last title, they won in 1992. Children used to play at their school and streets and Pakistan produced legends in Hockey. Now kids don’t prefer to play outside in recent times due to availability of all sports games on mobile and TV. Therefore, now Pakistan hockey team ranked 12 in the world as we are unable to find stars from schools and street level. Besides that children are getting away from their traditional outdoor sports.
In conclusion, children dependency on electronic indoor entertainment and staying away from outdoor sports activities is impacting health and discouraging extra-curricular activities of pastimes.