Study Subjects of University Students


Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In today’s fast paced and highly competitive world, one has to get a decent education in order to earn bread and butter for his family. Those who fall to do so, face the burden of economic turmoil more than an educated man. Universities offer different courses to suit the needs of students, but some firmly belief that only those subjects which have a promising future should be taught.
Firstly, if universities adapt a policy where only subjects relating to science and technology are taught, only a handful amount of people would be able to attain knowledge as not everyone has the caliber to meet the high demands of course. Secondly numerous fields such as arts and crafts, music, food etc. would be left deserted which are also necessary part of human life. For example not everyone can become a doctor or engineer as it requires endless hours of study and effort to fulfill the need to get a degree in these disciples. Therefore to maintain an equilibrium each and every one should be channelized according to their abilities.
On the contrary, this notion not might sound convening, as the living requirements of us humans are increasing day by day, we need a handsome amount of steady source of income to fuel our needs. For example robotic surgery, telecommunication engineering, block chain programming are some examples which have a promising future. Rather than going for fields such as music and acting which have high failures rates one can easily choose from any of the above mentioned fields to safeguard what lies ahead.
In conclusion, I think liberty should be given to students to choose their field of interest because they would have the potential to excel in it rather than forcing them into a subject which they dislike and being mediocre in the profession.