People Engagement with Technology


The way nowadays people engage with each other has changed due to technology. Has this change a positive or negative development? Discuss and give your opinion.

In the twenty-first century technology has taken over human minds. 24/7 we are surrounded by technology. Scientist and inventors are working day in and day out to improve the existing piece of technology and invent new devices to help humans live a better life. But not all has created a positive impact; some of these technological advancements have their side effects but all in all it surely depends on us humans how we make use of it.
First and foremost, technology has now completely changed how people communicate with each other. The marvelous invention of social media apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter etc. has erased the distance among people. They have brought people closer than ever; plus the time taken for a particular piece of information to reach has been reduced to few seconds. As compared to nineteenth and twentieth century where it would take ages to get in touch with your loved ones, now it is on our finger tips. Moreover long lost friends are now back in communication. People can share ideas, photos and videos anytime anywhere.
All that glitters is not gold; on contrary this incorporation of technology in human lives has separated people those who are close by. Today everybody is engaged to their cellular devices. The tradition of wishing others with greeting cards filled with warmth of emotions have all been forgotten. Students rather than going to an institute for getting knowledge, acquire it by watching videos on YouTube.
In the end, in my opinion technology has positively impacted our lives. How we engage with one another. We cannot shy away from the fact that it has its drawbacks but if we chose to use it wisely its benefits are immense.