Technology and Traditional Skills

Topic: When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and way of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is agreed that development of technology by nations impacting conventional skills and human resources drastically. It is getting difficult to revive traditional ways of living. I disagree with his statement because growth of technology along with traditional skills makes nations strong and improves way of living.

Firstly in this global village, there is an economic war heavily dependent on technology. It strengthens your traditional skills as well. For example, Pakistan Army has the most compact nuclear program, which developed in past three decades. It empowers Pakistan to prevent his enemies from war. However, Pakistan Army have six hundred thousand soldiers, and among the best army due to his traditional skills to encounter war on terror. Operation “Zarb-e- Azab” is the best example of how they are fighting gorilla war and quite successful to disengage militant groups, therefore, combination of conventional skills and development of technology made Pakistan defense strong.

Secondly, technology is helping to improve way of life without hurting traditions of countries. For instance, Iran is developing its technology in every sector. Like they have subway metros, 4G technology, and also they made their own drones, but their way of living is same as before. Moreover, their whole education is still in Persian. They still have their own new year named “Nawroz” which they celebrate in March every year. In fact, their way of living improved by using technology as they develop everything in their own language.

In conclusion, technology development has a role in a way of living and as far as my opinion is concerned, it further improved life standards and strengthen cultural skills.