What should people Do to Stay healthy?

Topic: A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet.gets lots of exercise and avoids stress.what should people do to stay healthy?

This has been acknowledged by all schools of thought that health is utmost important in our lives — Growing though schedule influence can even be seen in its impact in our health. Better health can be brought by good diet,exercise and living in stress free environment but to stay healthy across our  lives,time management and use of organic foods will be analyzed as a vital factor to stay healthy.

Firstly,people need to  comply time management in all aspects of their lives — Personal life should be appropriately detached from professional commitments.For example, one colleague from my previous employer had started working in night duty at customer facilitation center –Prior to commence his job,he was considered healthy and fit but after one year of his job, he was effected by diabetic and blood pressure. This illustration makes clear that time management is crucial to our health.night is for sleeping instead to perform duty.

Secondly,this is a successful and tested idea that people eat food to live rather they live for food.People need to focus and should clear about what they are going to eat.For Instance,organic food is considered to be the most beneficial food for human body — Although , it is expensive as compare to inorganic food and difficult to find in the market easily.Moreover, scientific research in American Research Center in Los Angeles has proven and linked the consumption of inorganic food with cancer.Thus, it makes clear that food is not only reason for health but it depends what quality and quantity you eat.

Following this look,we can duly say that in order to stay healthy life style we should allocate our time appropriately and consider organic items for food –It is recommended that one should avoid late sleeping and unhygienic food to look himself/herself healthy and smart in the future.